A new chapter of discovery and
personalised insights
Our Medical Grade Wearables create the gateway to a new era in blood pressure understanding.
From individual risk management to large-scale population health research programs, Aktiia has you covered.

Aktiia Healthcare Solution
A new chapter of discovery and personalised insights in Cardiovascular Medicine
Aktiia creates the gateway to the new era in healthcare. The AI-driven predictive insights Aktiia provides support personalized healthcare services and interventions. From individual risk management to large-scale healthcare initiatives focused on blood pressure, Aktiia is the engine that powers transformative healthcare solutions.
How Aktiia works
The Aktiia Medical Grade Wearable is clinically validated to provide accurate Blood Pressure measurements passively in sitting, lying, and standing positions, and not affected by hydrostatic pressure perturbations or demographic factors, facilitating longitudinal Blood Pressure data collection in any setting.
Aktiia devices collect 27 blood pressure measurements on average per day of passive wearing.
How Aktiia works

Aktiia bracelet shines light through PPG sensor to analyze how the arteries below the skin surface pulsate.

Using optical signal processing, Aktiia goes beyond counting pulses to examine their shape.

Aktiia’s OBPM algorithm is able to extract blood pressure values from
the pulse shape of the skin arteries.

Aktiia cloud-based algorithm directs the computed blood pressure values back to the patient app and the healthcare dashboard.

Aktiia collects PPG data around the clock, providing an average of 27 blood pressure readings a day.1

With over 180 measurements a week,
Aktiia’s platform provides a more thorough understanding of a patient’s unique blood pressure pattern and Time in Target Range.1
Aktiia bracelet shines light through PPG sensor to analyze how the arteries below the skin surface pulsate.
Using optical signal processing, Aktiia goes beyond counting pulses to examine their shape.
Aktiia’s OBPM algorithm is able to extract blood pressure values from the pulse shape of the skin arteries.
Aktiia cloud-based algorithm directs the computed blood pressure values back to the patient app and the healthcare dashboard.
Aktiia collects PPG data around the clock, providing an average of 27 blood pressure readings a day.1
With over 180 measurements a week, Aktiia’s platform provides a more thorough understanding of a patient’s unique blood pressure pattern and Time in Target Range.1

Case Study

Medical grade CE Mark Class IIa device
Measurement frequent points >200 per week
patients prefer Aktiia
Users access the app 21 times per week
How Aktiia data compares
Combining the accuracy of a cuff with extensive longitudinal data presents new perspectives and insight into blood pressure trends, from patient to population.
Individual blood pressure trends can be analyzed, including novel and automatic data aggregrations like time in target range