Innovative Blood Pressure Datasets
Driving Innovation with our Customers

Proud to collaborate with a wide variety of global organisations and institutions. Together with our partners we are building a future to data driven medicine.

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Innovative Blood Pressure Datasets Driving Innovation with our Customers

Proud to collaborate with a wide variety of global organisations and institutions. Together with our partners we are building a future to data driven medicine.

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Who do we work with?

Clinical Researchers

Early to late-phase randomized clinical trials

Real-World Data studies

Observational & post-marketing surveillance

Health economic and outcomes research

Epidemiological and registry studies

Early to late-phase randomized clinical trials

Real-world data studies

Observational and post-marketing surveillance

Health economic and outcomes research

Epidemiological and registry studies

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Healthcare Providers

Screen and diagnose

Monitor treatment or lifestyle intervention

Long-term follow-up and critical care

Clinic, ambulatory, or remote care setting

Screen and diagnose

Monitor treatment or lifestyle intervention

Longevity and prevenative medicine 

Long-term follow-up and critical care

Clinic, ambulatory, or remote care setting

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Trusted by Global Partners

Discover how our hypertension specialists can help your project

case Studies

The Aktiia technology stack has successfully been deployed by:

  • Primary care
  • Secondary care
  • Public health service
  • Private practice
  • Pharmacy and social care settings
  • Telehealth and other digital health solution providers
  • Pharma/biotech research
  • Academic research
  • Payers and insurance organizations

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